We have knit and shipped 1,500+ toques; we have purchased and shipped 600+ pairs of gloves and 580+ pairs of socksto more than 45 schools in 36 regions in Northern BC and the Yukon.
Support the cost of sending a shipment to Northern BC and Northern Canada. Each shipment costs $25 to $35, so please help us send as many shipments to the North as we can this winter.
Images of Some Shipments
Bella Coola
Bella Coola. 33 toques, 9 pairs of gloves, 10 pairs of socks
Dawson Creek
Dawson Creek, 10 toquesSmithers, 6 pairs of gloves, 2 pairs of socksDawson Creek. 40 toques, 4 pairs of gloves, 10 pairs of socks, Dawson Creek. 30 toquesDawson Creek. 13 gloves, 16 pairs of socks, 3 headbandsDawson Creek. 10 toques