Knitting Borders
Borders are another easy way to add variety to your toques and allow for endless combinations of ways to use them. Start with your main colour A of wool and add a second colour B of wool. A single border can be used or you can combine a border on the bottom, another pattern in the middle and then the same border at the top to provide symmetry to your design. For example, you can add a fleur-de-lis pattern as your middle pattern. It is usually a good idea to do 2 or 4 rows of work in your main colour before you start your middle pattern and again after you finish the middle pattern. Again, this will help to give symmetry to our designs. See some of the Sample Toques to get some ideas or make up your own. This is where you can let your creativity run wild.
1 Stitch 2 Row Border
Alternate your 2 colours of wool as follows:

2 stitch 2 row border

2 row wave (5 stitch repeat pattern)

3 row wave
Double Waves are coming soon with 2 row and 3 row patterns.